
Free MTG Arena Codes – Complete Active List (July 2022)

Let’s take a short break from discussing MtG Proxy cards, and instead talk about MtG Arena for a moment. What is MtG Arena? According to Wizards of the Coast, MtG Arena was created for beginners and long-time players of Magic alike. It’s a new way to play, and you can unlock powerful decks right off […]

A Brief History of Magic: the Gathering

MtG nearly didn’t happen. Wizards of the Coast was busy making roleplaying games and supplements in Peter Adkison’s basement in 1991. Dr. Richard Garfield, a doctorate candidate in combinatorial mathematics, addressed Adkison, the owner and CEO of Wizards. Garfield wanted Wizards to publish his “RoboRally” board game concept. Adkison enjoyed RoboRally, but he believed at […]

What are Magic the Gathering Proxy Cards?

Anybody that’s either arriving late to the game of Magic: The Gathering or is working hard to fine-tune their experience of the game knows the importance of the cards they wield. While the official ones people purchase are printed by the WoTC (Wizards of the Coast), the official body of Magic, and distributed by the […]

The Most Expensive TCG Cards Ever Sold

Many collectors hope that part or all of their collection will one day be worth something. Trading card games can be some of the most collectible investments. Of course, not all trading cards will grow in value. Many of them will be dime a dozen, and are really not worth anything, nor will they ever […]

Harvesters RPG

At long last the Harvesters RPG by Troll Lord Games is available!! As usual, Jim Holloway did an outstanding job doing the cover and interior artwork! Here’s a synopsis of what it’s all about: Begin an epic journey in the rugged boots of the most unlikely heroes. Enter the world of the Harvesters where badgers, […]

Jim Holloway Flashback Art

Jim Holloway Flashback, 1982!!  Illustrations from the Monster Card Sets!