Modern is a non-rotating format that starts with the Eighth Edition core set and the Mirrodin expansion. Every set released after those is also included. This gives Modern a large card pool but not as big as Legacy or Vintage. Many players like Modern because it features diverse decks. You can find combo decks, aggro decks, control decks, and everything in between. The wide range of playable strategies makes each match feel different.
The rules for Modern are similar to other constructed formats. Decks must have at least 60 cards, and you can have up to four copies of each card, except basic lands. The sideboard can have up to 15 cards. A key part of Modern is its official ban list. Certain powerful cards are banned to keep things fair. This ban list changes occasionally if a deck becomes too dominant or if a new card breaks the format.
Modern’s popularity is strong. Local stores often host Modern events, and official tournaments feature it as well. Many experienced players enjoy the stability of a non-rotating format. Decks you build remain legal for years. You don’t have to worry about your cards leaving the format, which can save money in the long run. But Modern can still be expensive. Some staple cards, like fetch lands, can cost a lot.
Even with cost barriers, Modern remains a favorite for many people. It has a big community, and you can often find Modern content online. Some players view Modern as a middle ground between the constant changes of Standard and the high-power level of Legacy. If you like diverse games and enjoy building decks that last, Modern could be for you.